(噴射版 奔跑 流動廁所)
你看過會「奔跑」的流動廁所嗎?美國有一名設計師保羅(Paul Stender)發明出一種會跑的廁所,時速最快可以達到70英裏(約113公裏),他開玩笑地表示,上廁所時最好保證它是在平坦的路上移動,否則後果會有點滑稽!
據英國《每日郵報》報導,美國四十三歲的保羅(Paul Stender)花了一萬美元(約新台幣二十九萬元)創造了這個滑稽的(噴射版 奔跑 流動廁所),它帶有波音噴氣式發動機,啟動後時速可達七十公里。保羅笑說,在這個會跑的廁所裡如廁,最好保證它在平坦的路面上行駛,否則後果將有點難堪。圖/取自網路
A portable toilet powered by a Boeing jet engine reaches speeds of up to 70mph and also fires out 30ft flames, leaving massive clouds of smoke in its wake. The speeding outhouse is the brainchild of mad-cap mechanic Paul Stender, 43, who created the toilet with his team at Indy Boys Inc, based in Indianapolis, USA.
這個流動廁所是43歲的美國設計師保羅所發明,底下裝有一個750磅的波音噴氣式發動機,啟動後最快可以達到每小時70英裏(約113公裏)的速度,(噴射版 奔跑 流動廁所)總花費大約1萬美元(約29萬臺幣),廁所在奔跑時還會發出熊熊的火燄,就像火箭一樣。
(噴射版 奔跑 流動廁所)- ↓Paul Stender's Jet Propelled Port-A-Potty
Stender says:
"'I built the bus for two reasons. The first is to entertain people because, come on, it's a jet bus. The second, is to keep kids off drugs. Jets are hot, drugs are not...
We do a lot of displays at schools and we are trying to show them there's more to life than sitting in front of computers.'"
I'd say a healthy chunk of the red-blooded American male population would prefer this to a computer. But I've been wrong before.
Your opinion?
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