
帥水泥工名模Daniel Whittaker,英國帥氣水泥工弟弟搖身變名模【組圖】

帥水泥工名模Daniel Whittaker,英國帥氣水泥工弟弟搖身變名模【組圖】

Liverpool model Daniel Whittaker on his chance to become a Dolce and Gabbana model in Milan
帥水泥工名模Daniel Whittaker 水泥工搖身變男模[圖]
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帥水泥工名模   點擊查看大圖
帥水泥工名模   點擊查看大圖

帥水泥工名模組圖,英國《每日郵報》報導,英國利物浦1名19歲帥水泥工名模男子丹尼爾(Daniel Whittaker),原本是名水泥工,但姊姊認為他長得太帥、身高190公分,還有一雙深邃藍眼睛,活脫脫是名模身材,當個水泥工實在太可惜,偷偷把他的照片寄給模特兒經紀公司,果然獲經紀公司賞識,認為他風格獨特,一定會紅,立刻簽下;


英國19歲青年帥水泥工名模丹尼爾‧惠特克(Daniel Whittaker),原本只是一名平凡的水泥工,但姊姊認為他長相俊俏,又擁有190公分的壯碩身材,不當模特兒實在太可惜,便偷偷把帥水泥工名模的照片寄給模特兒經紀公司,沒想到從此改變惠特克的人生,讓他搖身一變成為時尚男模,近日更獲邀至義大利為名牌走秀。

據英國《每日郵報》報導,來自利物浦的帥水泥工名模惠特克不僅又高又帥,更擁有一雙深邃的藍眼睛,簽下他的模特兒公司負責人伯德(Irene Bird)形容帥水泥工名模惠特克風格獨特、性格樸實,客戶都很喜歡他,伯德說:「第一眼看見他,就知道他一定會成名。」


Susan Lee talks to the model who is ready to wow the fashion houses of Milan

HE’S swapping his job as a plasterer for a place on the international fashion scene.

But as Daniel Whittaker prepares for a new career as a model in Milan he’s determined not to forget his old skills.

“Everything’s fallen into place at the right time for me because January and February are really slack months for plastering,” explains the 19-year-old from West Derby.

“Of course what’s happened has been brilliant and I’m really excited to go to Milan.

“But I may just take my tools out there anyway. They need plasterers in Italy, after all!”

The blue eyed, six feet three former Alsop high school pupil won his chance to show the clothes of top designers like Dolce and Gabbana and Versace after Liverpool modelling agency Pulse spotted his potential.

It was his sister Leanne who forwarded photos of him to the agency who snapped him up.

“As soon as we saw Daniel we knew we were on to a winner,” explains director Irene Bird.

“He has such a unique and diverse look plus he also has a down-to-earth personality and attitude that clients love.”

Liverpool model Daniel Whittaker on his chance to become a Dolce and Gabbana model in Milan
帥水泥工名模Daniel Whittaker 水泥工搖身變男模[圖]
姊姊偷寄弟弟照片 水泥工搖身變男模

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